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Second Trustworthy AI Stammtisch
18. August 2022 @ 16:30 - 18:30

Welcome to the 2. Trustworthy AI Stammtisch!
In 2020 Austria Wirtschaftsservice, the promotional bank of the Austrian federal government launched a call for projects to increase the number of trustworthy, innovative AI projects in Austria. Besides the grants for projects our vision is to foster the awareness for trustworthy AI in society and beyond. In order to achieve this vision, to demonstrate the impact on real cases and discuss about trustworthy AI we invite everyone to join us on August 18th for the second „Trustworthy AI Stammtisch“.
More information and reference projects can be found here: Trustworthy AI call by Austria Wirtschaftsservice
This time we join forces with Wirtschaftsagentur Wien , Vienna Business Agency, which is supporting the uptake of Digital Humanism in Vienna through various activities like events, funding calls or individual consulting. We argue for a Digital Humanism that influences the complex interplay of technology and humankind, for a better society and life, fully respecting universal human rights. We must shape technologies in accordance with human values and needs.
1. Talk: Value-based-Engineering and IEEE7000 Standard: Addressing Ethical Concerns During System Design
2. Talk: Introducing the Fakeshop Detector
3. Talk: Inclusive AI
See you there!
Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH | aws Digitalization / Artificial Intelligence & Wirtschaftsagentur Wien
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