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The federation of data markets and the importance of data sharing in the EU
1. März 2022 @ 13:00 - 15:00

The importance of sharing data in the EU is a major challenge we are facing right now. A few initiatives are focused on data markets and their federation – one of them is TRUSTS. “What business models are out there, and how to federate them?” “How do emerging technologies enable trustworthy data sharing?”, „How does data valorisation work according to sound legal and ethical principles?“ – these and more are topics which we will discuss on March 1st. Within our upcoming event we want to discuss with you which aspects are relevant, what the status quo is and how TRUSTS can contribute to the federation of a data market when it comes to data sharing following EU standards.
- 1 March, 1 pm – 3 pm, CET, Online
- Registration via Go To Webinar
We are looking forward to see you there!
Join Alexandra Garatzogianni (Leibniz University Hannover), Ioannis Markopoulos (NOVA), Gianna Avgousti (eBOS Technologies), Lukas Helminger (Know-Center), Lorenzo Gugliotta (KU Leuven) and Marc de Reuver (TU Delft) and discuss business, legal and ethical aspects of federated data markets with them.
Be part of the knowledge exchange!